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Our Recent Posts

This month has been less productive. I struggled with my thesis ( my dyslexia is not helping either) but i managed to finish it by...

I re-opened all my work of previous months and started colouring every frame... now it's done. I'm happy

Animated Traps & enemies
I finished animating all the traps and enemies of the game (this one should loop too, sorry)

Animated Munch
I finished animating all the possible moves and links between moves of munchkin (there's a problem with this gif, it won't loop)

I thought i had a story in my game (see previous post). But my teachers told me i needed a real story. I wasn't on the same wave-length....

Secret ending
I recently played an indie-game called inside by playdead-studios. It was so good i wanted to make a game that is situated in the same...

I Made the scenery/background for my game. It's based on water painted movies from the 30' and later. As you can see it should loop...
My sound is done. I made a bunch of 8-bit sound-effects on and it turned out like i expected. I didn't have to record with a...

Extra game designs
It's something i didn't think about in the first place because in animation you don't need buttons, but in a game you do. So here are...

These are the sketches of the traps and are like the enemies but they're mainly just objects who can kill you and not so much an other...
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